
Skyrocketing Natural Gas Prices: Roundtable on Ohio’s Natural Gas Utilities

February 22, 2022
Speaking Engagements

Matthew Pritchard, Esq., will be a panelist for the “Skyrocketing Natural Gas Prices: Roundtable on Ohio’s Natural Gas Utilities,” sharing insights on emerging issues — including how energy users in Ohio can prepare for a crisis similar to what occurred in Texas in February 2021, what factors led to a significant increase in natural gas prices and what market fundamentals predict going forward.

The 26th Annual Ohio Energy Savings & Management Conference & Virtual Institute on February 22 and 23 in Columbus. Their session topics include potential effects of the federal government’s future energy plans, significant developments impacting electric rates, relevant Ohio legislation and natural gas price increases.

The event is the largest energy conference in America’s heartland, presenting Ohio companies’ leading-edge energy reduction and efficiency best practices and case studies. Attendees of this hybrid conference will gain insights on how to manage soaring natural gas prices and electricity transmission costs.

When: Tuesday, Feb. 22 – Wednesday, Feb. 23, 2022

Where: In person at the Columbus Renaissance Hotel (50 North Third Street, Columbus, OH 43215) or livestreamed via the Whova Conference platform

To learn more and register, click here.