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McNees Attorneys to Provide Labor & Employment Law Updates at Annual HRACC Seminar

October 23, 2018
Press Releases

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – (October 23, 2018) McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC attorneys will provide updates on new developments in human resources and labor and employment law at the Human Resource Association of Centre County’s 2018 Labor & Employment Law Update on Thursday, November 1, 2018. The seminar will be held at Toftrees Conference Center in State College from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Attorneys John Baker, Eric Athey, Kelley Kaufman, Alan Boynton Jr. and Adam Long will present on recent developments in employment law, the handling of sexual harassment claims, employee benefit compliance issues, protecting company assets and litigating wage and hour claims.

For more information, including how to register, click here.

The McNees Labor and Employment Practice Group provides detailed, effective legal representation and counseling to employers on a broad range of matters, including: Human Resource auditing; supervisor/manager/employee training; internal and external investigations; affirmative action compliance; Family and Medical Leave Act compliance and litigation; labor negotiations, labor arbitration, and other disputes with unions (private and public); employment discrimination and harassment litigation; non-compete and other restrictive covenant litigation; occupational safety and health; wage and hour compliance and litigation; unemployment compensation; workers’ compensation; wrongful discharge; statutory and regulatory compliance; and ERISA compliance and litigation.


McNees is a full-service law firm based in central Pennsylvania with more than 130 attorneys representing corporations, associations, institutions and individuals. The firm serves clients worldwide from offices in Harrisburg, Lancaster, State College and Scranton, PA; Columbus, OH; Frederick, MD; and Washington, D.C. McNees is also a member of the ALFA International Global Legal Network. | @McNeeslaw | LinkedIn


John U. Baker

Adam R. Long

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Labor and Employment