McNees Attorneys to Present on Stormwater Financing at PSAB Municipal Legal Update - McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

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McNees Attorneys to Present on Stormwater Financing at PSAB Municipal Legal Update

July 31, 2018
Press Releases

HARRISBURG, PA. – (July 31, 2018) McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC attorneys Timothy Horstmann and Adeolu Bakare are slated to present “Financing Your Municipal Stormwater Operations” for The Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs on Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at Sheraton Harrisburg/Hershey.

Tim and Ade will address the current state of the law applicable to Pennsylvania boroughs with regard to the imposition of user fees to finance needed stormwater improvements. In addition, they will explain the benefits of forming or repurposing an existing municipal authority as a stormwater authority to facilitate stormwater financing.

Tim is a member of the McNees Public Finance and Public Sector Practice Groups with over ten years of experience representing clients in matters related to state, local and federal taxation. He advises banks and financial institutions, municipalities, school districts and nonprofits on the structuring of taxable and tax-exempt revenue bond and general obligation bond financings for a variety of capital projects, including manufacturing facilities, hospitals and other health care facilities, parking facilities, schools and higher education institutions and water and sewer projects.

Ade is a member of the McNees Energy and Environmental Group, where his practice focuses on issues involving electric, natural gas, communication, water and wastewater utility services. He represents large industrial and commercial consumers of these services before state and federal administrative agencies. He also counsels several municipalities and municipal authorities on energy, water, and wastewater matters.


McNees is a full-service law firm based in central Pennsylvania with more than 130 attorneys representing corporations, associations, institutions and individuals. The firm serves clients worldwide from offices in Harrisburg, Lancaster, State College and Scranton, PA; Columbus, OH; Frederick, MD; and Washington, D.C. McNees is also a member of the ALFA International Global Legal Network. | @McNeeslaw | LinkedIn